Centurian Park Family

Amrapali Centurian Park Flat Buyers

Contact us

Project Site            Plot No. GH 05, Tech Zone 4, Greater Noida, UP


Thank you for reaching out to ACP Buyers Group. All AC Buyers are required to update the customer data after every payment as per Payment schedule and keep all payment receipts carefully.

A.  Amrapali Centurian Park (Lowrise, O2 Valley, and Terrace Homes & Tropical Garden) may kindly note as per SC Order it’s important to update your customer data on court receivers website immediately & start paying your balance payment in UCO bank in 15 days to claim your unit/s, failing which your unit will be cancelled. Thereby Court Receiver has published the list of all such defaulter buyers in his website.

B. In-case your name appears in Defaulters Home Buyers list on SC appointed Receivers websitehttps://receiveramrapali.in you are advised follow instructions  immediately. 

C.  The customer data on the portal is the personalized information of the home buyer, whatever changes buyer is doing, it needs to be updated the same on the customer data. Receiver office swill call you for document verification and allotment of NOC as well as Possession when you’re flat will be completed and marked in the NBCC completed Flat list. Therefore you are requested to keep all payment receipts and flat related documents carefully along with updated customer data.

D.  ACP Buyers project payment schedule is available on website http://centurionpark.in/?p=937 or  kindly click on the below link https://receiveramrapali.in/project-completion-schedule-and-payments/

E.  To check NBCC Construction click http://centurionpark.in/?p=844

F.   To join the buyer’s group kindly reach out to your tower admin as mentioned in link www.centurionpark.in or to Mr Ajay Bhan at 9999025040


Amrapali Centurian Park Buyers Group (#ACPBuyers Group)

Website                  : http://centurionpark.in
Facebook              : Facebook | ACPBuyers
Twitter                   : Twitter | ACPBuyers
Instagram             : Instagram | ACPBuyers

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Join the group on https://t.me/ACPBuyers  (Telegram Group)

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